Justice Tarot Card Meaning in Love, Career and Health

This blog post explores the Justice tarot card meaning, breaking down its symbolism, key messages, and how it applies to different areas of life.

Truth and fairness—two ideals we all crave, yet their absence feels louder than ever these days. Poor leadership, injustice, wars—you name it.

Everywhere you look, the world seems to be in a fragile, almost breaking state. It feels like we’re standing at a crossroads, where people are finally waking up to the fact that every decision, every action, has an immediate ripple effect. Let’s be real: injustice isn’t something we can just quietly ignore anymore. And lately, karma seems to be hitting people left and right.

Did you know there’s a tarot card that reflects all these qualities we’re longing for? I am talking about the Justice tarot card.

This Major Arcana is packed with meaning, especially when it comes to making decisions or confronting moral dilemmas. So, let’s dive into the Justice card’s symbolism and significance—it might just help us make sense of not only our own lives but also the larger challenges the world faces today.

Note: This blog post is part of a series about the meaning of tarot cards and focuses on the Rider-Smith-Waite deck. Please remember that tarot readings are subjective and the meaning of each tarot card can differ depending on its position in a reading and the individual’s interpretation. It is crucial to approach them with an unbiased and receptive mindset. It is also important to know that tarot cards provide guidance but are not a substitute for professional advice.

pin that says the justice tarot card meaning in love, career and health

Understanding the Justice Tarot Card

The Justice card usually shows a figure sitting between two pillars, holding a sword in one hand and a set of scales in the other.

Just from the imagery, you can feel the energy of fairness, honesty, and the karmic law of “what goes around comes around.” (For some reason, I can’t help but hear Justin Timberlake’s song in my head when I think about this—don’t ask why, my brain just works in weird ways, haha!).

The Justice tarot card appears as the 11th card in many modern tarot decks, positioned between the Wheel of Fortune and the Hanged Man. In some of the earliest tarot decks, the Justice figure was actually the eighth card in the Major Arcana instead of the eleventh. Even today, you’ll find some decks that still follow that older tradition.

Before we dive into the specific symbols on the Justice card, just one glance at it tells you what it’s all about: karma.

This card is a reminder that whatever you put out into the world—your actions, words, or even intentions—will eventually find its way back to you, whether that’s for better or for worse.

tarot card the justice

© bycagla.com/ The Justice tarot card from the Ethereal Visions Tarot by Matt Hughes.

Symbols in the Justice Tarot Card

When it comes to tarot card meanings, the real magic is in decoding the symbols to unlock its message.

Not every symbol will hit you the same way every time. Depending on the reading and your personal life, you will pick up the aspects of tarot cards that resonate most at the moment, and the focus can shift. That is the beauty of tarot—it’s flexible.

That being said, here are the five key symbols to look out for when the Justice card shows up in a spread.

symbols of the tarot card the justice

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1.) Scales of Justice:

Let’s start with the most obvious symbol—the scales. Held in lady Justice’s left hand, they represent balance and fairness. Just like real scales tip depending on weight, this symbol means that every action we take carries weight and has consequences.

2.) The Sword:

Swords in tarot always bring a vibe of clarity but also cutting through the noise—no lies, no illusions, just straight-up truth. Justice’s upright sword in the right hand is held upright, showing decisiveness and that honesty is non-negotiable. It’s all about slicing through the BS to get to what’s real.

3.) The Pillars:

If these pillars look familiar, it’s because we’ve seen them before in cards like The Hierophant or The High Priestess. Justice sits right between two pillars, symbolizing balance, wisdom, and structure. They’re a reminder that true justice isn’t random—it’s rooted in universal laws and moral truths that stand the test of time.

4.) The Crown: 

Justice wears a crown, usually decorated with a square stone, which represents order and structure. It’s a subtle way of saying that fairness and truth rise above personal opinions or hidden agendas.

5.) The Red Cloak:

The red robe is another symbol that pops up often in tarot, and it’s packed with meaning—passion, knowledge, power, and action. While the scales and sword speak to balance and truth, the red robe means that real justice takes action. Fairness isn’t something that just happens—it’s something we actively create.

margarete petersen tarot card of the justice

© bycagla.com/ The Justice tarot card from the Margarete Petersen Tarot

The Justice Tarot Meaning in General

The Upright Justice Tarot Card Meaning

When Justice appears upright in a tarot card reading, it’s a clear sign to stay grounded in honesty, fairness, and accountability. Base your decisions on facts, not just emotions—and yeah, I know, that’s way easier said than done.

Emotions can sometimes push us toward choices we regret later and they can blur our judgment. This card can also point to legal matters or situations that need your focus and a bit more clarity.

On the bright side, if you’re on the right side of things, Justice upright often signals that fairness will win and the outcome will be in your favor.

The Justice Tarot Card Meaning in Reverse:

Like most reversed tarot cards, Justice reversed points to some kind of energetic imbalance.

It could mean dishonesty, unfairness, or even outright legal disputes showing up in your life either caused by you or someone else. But don’t take it as a negative meaning. It’s a wake-up call to check in with yourself: Are you avoiding accountability? Are you twisting the truth, or is someone else doing that to you?

I advise you to take a good, hard look at your choices and focus on the right thing. Ignoring an unresolved issue will not make it go away. Face it head-on, and you’ll thank yourself later.

Keywords for The Wheel of Fortune (Upright Position):

  • Fairness
  • Truth
  • Accountability
  • Balance, 
  • Law of cause
  • Consequences of our actions
  • Social order
  • Karmic justice
  • Important decision
  • Good faith
  • Legal system


Keywords for The Justice Tarot Card (Reversed Position):

  • Legal issues/ Legal complications
  • Past mistakes
  • Unfairness
  • Corruption
  • Lack of balance
  • Injustice
  • Karmic repercussions
  • Dishonorable actions.

Ruling Planet: Venus

Zodiac Sign: Libra

Element: Air

The Justice Tarot Meaning in Love, Career and Health

By now, you probably have a good sense of the general meaning behind the Justice tarot card. But let’s take it a step further and explore how this karma card applies to different aspects of life.

Justice Tarot Card Meaning in Love (Upright):  

In a love reading, the upright card is all about honesty and transparency. A healthy, balanced relationship works best with fairness and open communication. If you’re in a relationship, ask yourself: does it feel balanced? Are both of you putting in the effort to create a loving, functional partnership? 

For singles, this card suggests that staying true to your values is key to attract the right person. It is also a good sign, that someone genuine and honest might be entering your life soon.

Justice Tarot Card Meaning in Love (Reversed):

You can probably already guess the vibe of the Justice card when it’s reversed in love. Things might feel off balance. There might be some hidden truths or unresolved issues that need your attention.

If something in your love life doesn’t feel right, it’s time to take an honest look at what’s going on. This tarot card could point to dishonesty, either from you or your partner, that really needs to be addressed before it messes things up more.

The Justice Tarot Card Meaning in Career (Upright)

In a career reading, the Justice tarot card upright often means you must deal with ethical work.

You might feel called a workplace that focuses on law, human rights, or anything that fights for justice.

This card is good news if you’re waiting on something big, like a raise, a new job, or a new contract. It says there will probably be a fair outcome in your favor, especially in financial dealings. But it is also a reminder to stay honest and put in the hard work.

You know how people always say “honest work pays off”? That is exactly what this upright tarot card is getting at. So take a moment and ask yourself: Are your career moves coming from a place of balance and truth, or is your ego taking over? Mind the consequences of your actions.

The Justice Tarot Card in Career (Reversed):

When Justice shows up reversed in a career reading, it usually points to conflicts, financial problems, unfair treatment, or ethical issues in your work life.

You might be dealing with dishonesty, and the current situation just isn’t clear or transparent. It’s one of those times when things aren’t being handled openly or honestly. It’s a red flag that the situation isn’t being dealt with in a healthy way.

Don’t ignore it or hope it goes away—it’ll just get worse. Be brave and face the issues before they escalate. Also, stay away from risky investments and navigate financial matters with extra caution.

The Justice Tarot card

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The Justice Tarot Card in Health (Upright):

Okay, I know the word “balance” is thrown around a lot when in health context and wellness—but that’s what the Justice card is all about in a health reading. Find balance, whatever that looks like for you.

Maybe it is time to be real with yourself about your habits and how they’re affecting your overall well-being. Do you need more me-time? More self-care? More action? Or maybe less of something?

The Justice card wants you to take responsibility for your health choices, whether it is your diet, exercise routine, or mental health practices. Time to get honest and take charge of what feels right for you.

Reversed Justice Tarot Card in Health:

Just like the upright Justice card points to the need for balance, the reversed Justice card is all about health issues that are out of whack.

What habits are you holding onto that are negatively affecting your health? Honestly, when this card shows up, it’s like you already know what the problem is—you just needed that little reminder to finally make a change.

So, take this tarot card as a sign to make the necessary shift to get your health back on track.

Use the Figure of Justice for Your Higher Self

We have just unpacked the meaning of yet another major arcana card! The Justice card is one of the most no-nonsense cards in the deck—it doesn’t sugarcoat things and can sometimes drop some pretty harsh truth bombs and life lessons.

Its meaning in a spiritual context can shift depending on the focus of your tarot reading and your own experience, but at its core, the energy of justice is all about karma, minding your own actions, and balance.

Whether it is upright or reversed, Justice always asks you to take a step back, reflect, and take decisive action.