The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Meaning in Love, Career and Health

This blog post gives you a deep dive into the Wheel of Fortune tarot meaning

Let’s spin on to the next tarot card in the Major Arcana: the Wheel of Fortune. I can tell you this — exploring this card will take you on a ride of unexpected highs and lows. It’s all about fate, cycles, and how life can shift in an instant—for better or for worse.

As for the symbolism, there is so much going on in this card that I fear it won’t all fit into this blog post. However, let’s give it a try and explore the Wheel of Fortune tarot card meanings together, and how it could speak to you in major areas of your life.

Note: This blog post is part of a series about the meaning of tarot cards and focuses on the Rider-Smith-Waite deck. Please remember that tarot readings are subjective and the meaning of each tarot card can differ depending on its position in a reading and the individual’s interpretation. It is crucial to approach them with an unbiased and receptive mindset. It is also important to know that tarot cards provide guidance but are not a substitute for professional advice.

pin that says the wheel of fortune tarot card meaning in love, career and health

Exploring the Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card

The Wheel of Fortune tarot card usually shows a big wheel with different symbolic figures either on or around it.

When you see this card, what pops into your head? Wheels usually make us think of movement, change, or something shifting—and that’s exactly what this card is all about. The Wheel of Fortune represents change—often sudden and unexpected.

Like most tarot cards, the Wheel of Fortune is packed with ancient symbolism, especially from medieval and Renaissance times.

The name Wheel of Fortune is often linked to the Roman goddess Fortuna. She was said to control the fates of both mortals and gods by spinning a wheel, determining who rose and who fell.

Older tarot decks even show kings rising and falling on the wheel, reminding us that no one stays on top forever. There’s a point where things turn, and someone else takes their place.

The message is pretty clear: the Wheel of Fortune is all about life’s unpredictable nature. Things can change at any moment, and we’ve got to be ready for the ride.

tarot card wheel of fortune from the ethereal visions deck

© Depicted like The Death: The Wheel of Fortune tarot card from the Ethereal Visions Tarot by Matt Hughes.

Alchemical Symbols of the Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card

Like I said, there’s so much happening on this card that it’s hard to figure out exactly what it’s all about or where to even focus.

It’s kind of like those hidden picture books—everywhere you look, something is going on. As the tenth card in the Major Arcana, the Wheel of Fortune represents life’s cycles, fate, and destiny. 

So, let’s take a closer look at the rich symbolism behind the Wheel of Fortune.

symbols on the major arcana wheel of fortune


1.) The Wheel:

Let’s start with the main symbol and the namesake of this card—the giant wheel itself. It represents the cycles of life, reminding us that everything is always evolving and changing, even if we don’t notice it.

It’s a reminder that what goes up must come down, and we’re all part of a bigger, cosmic flow.  The turn of the wheels is inevitable.

One interesting detail about the wheel is the presence of Hebrew letters. The letters “YHVH” represent the divine name of God in Kabbalah. This shows that higher forces are always in the background, influencing things in our lives.

2.) The Spinx:

The sphinx on top of the wheel is like the guardian of truth, and it reminds us that when life starts to feel like it’s spinning out of control, tapping into our inner wisdom can help us keep our balance through all the chaos.

3.) The Serpent:

You might think the funny figure slithering down the left side of the wheel is just some random doodle, but it’s actually the serpent. It symbolizes that falling down is just part of life.

Not every dip is a disaster—sometimes, those low points can lead to some serious growth. Honestly, I feel like this symbol on the Wheel of Fortune card is the one I connect with the most.

4.) Anubis:

What looks like a freaky fox is actually Anubis—the Egyptian god of the underworld. He rises coolly on the other side, reminding us that after every fall, there’s always a rise. He represents rebirth, regeneration, and a new dawn after life’s challenges.

Anubis is also a great reminder of our finiteness and the importance of staying present in the here and now.

5.) The Four Evangelists:

The figures on the outer edges of the tarot card symbolize the four evangelists: the Angel (Matthew), the winged Lion (Mark), the winged bull (Luke), and the Eagle (John).

They also serve as great metaphors for the four elements or astrological signs: Aquarius (Man), Leo (Lion), Taurus (Bull), and Scorpio (Eagle).

You can really interpret them in different ways! Personally, I like to see them as representing qualities like humanity, courage, sacrifice and heightened spiritual consciousness—all pointing to divine truth. Basically, it’s about harmonizing yourself with the universe and delivering a message of completeness.

wheel of fortune tarot card from the margarete petersen deck

© The Wheel of Fortune tarot card from the Margarete Petersen Tarot

The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Meaning in General

Wheel of Fortune Upright Meaning

When this card shows up upright, it’s about significant change (often unexpected) and a reminder that the wheel of life is always moving.

Whether you’re on top of the (material) world or feeling stuck at the bottom, the wheel keeps turning. This card signifies karmic shifts and forces beyond your control, wanting you to go with the flow.

Sure, we can control some things, but this card is really telling you that life’s highs and lows are totally natural, so don’t fight the changes—embrace them. In the upright position, it usually means a positive change is headed your way.

The Wheel of Fortune Tarot meaning reversed

When the Wheel of Fortune shows up reversed, you might be feeling stuck in those same old negative patterns you just can’t shake. Life might feel like a never-ending dumpster fire, and it’s easy to slip into that victim mindset.

But this card is really encouraging you to step back and rethink your actions and attitude, so you can take control of your path again. Don’t forget, even when things feel rough, the wheel will turn again.

Keywords for The Wheel of Fortune (Upright Position):

  • Change
  • Destiny
  • Good luck
  • Turning point
  • Life Cycles
  • Karma
  • Unexpected changes
  • Constant Motion
  • Life’s riddles
  • New beginnings
  • better future

Keywords for The Wheel of Fortune (Reversed Position):

  • Bad luck
  • hard time
  • Resistance to change
  • Stagnation
  • unwelcome changes
  • Misfortune
  • Lack of control
  • Bad times
  • Repeated cycles
  • difficult times
  • Negative patterns

Ruling Planet: Jupiter, the planet of good fortune

Zodiac Signs: Often associated with all fixed signs: Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius

Element: Fire

modern Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card


The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Meaning in Love, Career and Health

Wheel of Fortune Tarot Love Meaning (Upright)

As you’ve probably guessed from the general vibe of the Wheel of Fortune, it’s no shock that in a love reading, this card is all about change. Your love life could be headed in a new and right direction—maybe you’ll meet someone new out of the blue, or you’ll start seeing relationships in a whole new light.

If you’re already in a relationship, the wheel of fortune might point to major changes between you and your partner. Like every couple, you’ll go through your ups and downs, but that’s not always a bad thing. Sometimes, those tough moments really show how strong your relationship is.

Reversed Card: The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Meaning in Love

When the Wheel of Fortune appears reversed in a love context or a one-card pull, it often signals a tough time.

You might feel fed up with love, like you’re stuck in the same frustrating patterns with potential partners. This great card is saying it’s a good time to deal with those patterns before real love can come into your life.

If you’re in a relationship, the reversed Wheel of Fortune could mean you and your partner are facing challenges because of external forces. It’s super important to focus on clear communication and talk openly about any issues. Just be patient with each other as you navigate this tricky period together.

The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning in Career (Upright)

A new career, your own business, or an exciting project—when the Wheel of Fortune pops up in a career reading, it’s usually a sign of better things on the horizon and a positive change in your financial situation.

If you’ve been hustling or waiting for that perfect moment, I’d say that time is now. Fortuna’s got your back, and new opportunities might just show up out of nowhere. Be ready for some major shifts in your work life!

Reversed the Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card in Career

When the Wheel of Fortune shows up reversed in a career reading, it usually means the opposite of good news. You might run into unexpected challenges, financial difficulties, bad timing, or just plain setbacks.

Try to take a step back and rethink how you’re approaching your career. It’s a good idea to avoid any rash decisions right now.

Stay focused, and with a bit of patience, you can turn the downs of life into something that works in your favor.

borderless tarot card the wheel of fortune


Upright Wheel of Fortune Card in Health

If you’re working on your health, seeing the Wheel of Fortune upright is definitely a good omen! Big changes are on the way!

You might hit a breakthrough in your condition or realize that the steps you’ve been taking to heal are finally starting to pay off.

It’s like you’re shifting gears and moving toward feeling better—how awesome is that?

Reversed Wheel of Fortune Card in Health

When it comes to health, the Wheel of Fortune reversed often suggests you might be stuck in some unhealthy cycles. Take a moment to look at everything in your life that could be affecting your health negatively—this includes your habits, thoughts, and even the people and relationships around you.

Seriously, check in on your lifestyle: is it doing you any favors? If not, it’s time to shake things up a bit!

This could mean trying new treatments, changing your mindset, or picking up healthier habits. Just remember, this current situation is only temporary as long as you recognize that you’re in charge of your life’s quality and can regain control over your health.

Embrace the Mystery of Life

Life throws all sorts of stuff our way, and it’s crucial to embrace every phase because this major arcana card is all about life’s ups and downs.

Whenever I think of the wheel of fortune, I can’t help but remember that classic quote from Forrest Gump: “Life is like a box of chocolates—you never know what you’re gonna get.” But one thing’s for sure: every twist and turn will bring you a lesson that helps you become your most authentic self.

So, go ahead and embrace those upcoming changes in the near future! Stay flexible, and remember that with time, every phase—whether it’s a high or a low—will eventually pass.